How much does it cost to cancel an Indigo flight?

It often seems that passengers are not entirely sure about their bookings and reserving the flight ticket. They want to cancel the flight. Sometimes there are some force reasons like weather issues, health issues, family issues, and sometimes the reasons like plans get postponed; the meeting gets canceled, etc. Indigo is one of the biggest airlines, and they provide some excellent facilities to their passengers; if a passenger wants, they also allow their passenger to cancel the flight. After canceling the flight, the thing that comes to the passenger's mind is how much does it cost to cancel an Indigo flight. To know the detailed information regarding this, you need to read below.

The Indigo Airlines cancellation policy is mentioned below

  • If the flight is canceled by the passenger within 24 hours of booking, they will not need to pay any canceling fee; they can do it free of cost. 
  • If passengers want to cancel the flight after that time, they need to pay the cancelation fee. 
  • In case of any death occurs in the family of the passenger after bookings the flight and the boarding date is after 30 days, they will not need to pay any cancelation charges. 
  • If the passenger books the flight through any official representative, they will need to contact them to cancel the flight. 
  • Passengers will also get time to cancel the flight on the boarding date; after that time, passengers will not be able to cancel the flight.
  • If the passenger's flight is canceled or delayed by the Indigo airlines for more than five hours, the passenger will not need to pay any charges for canceling the flight.

Steps that passengers need to follow to cancel the flight are mentioned below

  • Open the official website of Indigo airlines. 
  • Now go to the manage bookings sections. 
  • Following this, you need to fill out the last name of the passenger and booking reference. 
  • Now open the flight you want to cancel, fill out the reason in the given space, and cancel the flight.
  • Next, you need to find the refund application form fill out the mandatory details, and click on the submit option. 
  • Last you will get a confirmation message of successfully canceling the flight on the given contact number and registered email id. 

To know the Indigo Airlines refund policy read below

  • Passengers will get a complete refund if they cancel the flight within 24 hours of booking. 
  • If passengers cancel the flight after the free window, they must pay a cancelation fee. After this, they will get a refund.
  • In case of a medical emergency, passengers need to show the medical certificate to the officials of Indigo airlines; then, they will get a complete refund.
  • If passengers booked the flight using miles or vouchers, they do not get any amount in a refund, but they use the voucher next time while traveling. 
  • If any official representative books the passenger's flight, the passenger needs to contact them to get a refund. 
  • If the flight is canceled by the Indigo airlines, they are eligible to arrange a new flight for the passenger, or if the passenger wants, they will also get a complete refund.

How long does Indigo take to refund? 

If passengers use a card while making the payment when booking the flight, they will get a refund in 14 working days.

If passengers choose any other way, they will need to wait 20 days to get a refund.

The statements mentioned earlier will help the passenger to get the information about how much does it cost to cancel an Indigo flight. If any passenger query remains unsolved, then the passenger will need to contact the official representative of Indigo airlines.

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