How to get refund from Virgin Atlantic?

We often book tickets a little early before departure, but sometimes, there always comes an urgency, and you have to cancel the tickets when the times arrive. People often get stuck in waiting for the refund and find ways how to get refund from Virgin Atlantic in the easiest possible ways. The Airlines have some policies related to refunds on cancellations. One must know about it before proceeding with the process of cancellation. Read out the Virgin Atlantic policy related to refund.

Virgin Atlantic refund Policy

  • If you wish to have the flexibility for a refund, choose a ticket type that suits your needs.
  • If you have a refundable ticket and you haven't used it yet, you can ask for the full refund, provided you need to pay all the surcharges, carrier charges, and taxes.
  • If you partially use your refundable ticket, the fare, the surcharge, carrier charges, and taxes related to the unused portion of the ticket will be refunded, provided there is no relevant restriction on your ticket.
  • If you have booked a non-refundable ticket, make sure you have travel insurance if you need a cancellation.
  • If you have a non-refundable ticket, you can still apply for a refund for taxes, fees, and charges imposed by the government and the government scheme cost. 
  • You can also have a refund of the unused amount of your non-refundable ticket if you are entitled to a refund under Regulation 206/2004.
  • If you cannot travel due to some event beyond your control, your ticket fare will be refunded to you after having the requisite proof.
  • The refund will be only made to a person who has paid for the ticket and has proof that they are entitled to the refund.
  • The refund will be in the same currency the booking was made.
  • The refund will only be made after the authorized agent who issued the ticket authorizes the refund.

How long do Virgin Atlantic refund take?

When you complete the procedure of how to get a refund from Virgin Atlantic,  you have to wait for some time to get the refund credited to your given bank account, as the refund needs authorization from the agent who booked your ticket. It will take 6-7 days to get the refund credited to your bank account. You can contact the airlines' representative regarding any queries related to the refund.

How do I Contact Virgin Atlantic for a refund?

There are many ways to contact the customer care service for refund-related queries. And the executive will provide you with all the details you need for the refund-related queries. 

Via Call

Calling on the given number of the airlines is the most reliable way and opted by most people in general. Give a call on the given number of the airlines and have assistance from the customer care representative of Virgin Atlantic Airlines. 

Via Live Chat

A live chat option is available on the website for quick resolution of any queries related to the refund, cancellation, baggage, and more. You will have a one-click solution for any doubts about the refund and the procedure you need to follow to initiate the refund.

Via Social Media

You can also comment and write to us on any social media account for refund-related queries. And the customer care executive will get to you on your registered mobile number or provided email address.

Via Email

There is always a way to get to the airlines via email and write down your query related to the refund or cancellation or if you want to go through the process to get the refund.

Read the steps mentioned above to know the process related to getting a refund from Virgin Atlantic and know the refund policy of the airlines. 

Read Also: - How to change flight on Virgin Atlantic?