How much refund will I get if I cancel my flight?

Suppose you have to cancel your flight because of an emergency at your home. Now, you require a refund from the airline, and you don't know how much refund you will get. The refund amount will depend on what time you have to cancel the flight. If you want to know how much refund will i get if I cancel my flight, it depends on the airline. Every airline has different refund charges. 

Airlines Refund Policy

  1. If you cancel your flight ticket refundable or non-refundable within 24 hours of booking, you will get a full refund from the airline. 
  2. You will get a full refund if the airline cancels the flight due to bad weather or a technical issue. 
  3. If you cancel your non-refundable ticket, you will not get a refund. 
  4. If you cancel your refundable ticket, you will get a full refund. 
  5. If the passenger cancels their flight within 3 hours of departure, they will not get any refund from the airlines. 
  6. If the passenger cancels their non-refundable ticket due to serious illness, they will get a refund from the airline.
  7. If you cancel your refundable ticket after the flight departure, you have to provide proof, and you will get a refund. 
  8. If you are a member of the airline and cancel the flight within 3 hours of departure, you will get a full refund from the airline.
  9. If you cancel the flight within 60 days of departure, you will get a full refund from the airline. 
  10. If you cancel the flight within 21 days of departure, you will get a full refund.
  11. If the passenger cancels their flight within 7 days of departure, you will get a full refund.
  12. If the passenger cancels their unused portion of the ticket, they will get a full refund. 
  13. If the passenger cancels their award ticket, they will get a full refund. 
  14. According to some airlines, if you purchase a flight ticket during the pandemic and cancel the ticket, you will get a refund from the airline. 
  15. If the passenger made the booking from the website, they would get a refund from the airline. 

What are the steps to get a refund from the airline?

If you have to take a refund from the airline, you can use the manage reservation or my trip option. To take a refund from the airline, you must follow the steps:

  1. Open the official website of the airline.
  2. Click on the manage booking or my trip.
  3. Enter your six-digit reservation code and other required details. 
  4. Click on the refund option. 
  5. You have to enter the required details and click on the submit option. 
  6. The airline will send you a confirmation on your registered email and text.
  7. On the email or text, there will be a link. When you open this link, you can track your status easily. 

Contact the Airline.

If you cancel the flight due to bad weather and you have to know how much refund I will i get if I cancel my flight, you can contact the airlines. Dial the official number of the airline. After that, hear the IVR steps. When you reach the airline team member, you can ask them for a refund. The team will provide you with a refund according to the refund policy. 

Refund Form

You must fill out the form to get a refund from the airline. For this, you have to visit the website and click on the form option. Under the form option, you have to select the refund form. Please provide all the required details and click on the submit option. The team will give you a refund within 7-10 days. 

How long does it take to get a refund from the airline?

You can take a refund from the airlines based on the terms and conditions:

  1. Suppose the passenger made the payment by using a debit or credit card. They will get a refund within 7-10 days.
  2. When the passenger makes the payment via cash or cheque, they will get a refund within 20 days.
  3. If the passenger's case is more complicated, it will take to get a refund within 25-30 days. 
  4. If the passenger made the booking at the time of the pandemic, after they cancel the booking, they would get a refund within 30 days. 

How to check the refund status of the airline?

You can use the manage booking option to check the airline's refund status or contact the airline. Here are some steps to check the refund status:

  1. Launch the official website of the airline.
  2. Select manage booking or my trip option.
  3. You have to enter your six-digit booking code and other required details. 
  4. You can see your bookings and must click on the refund option.
  5. Now, you will be able to see your refund status.