How do I cancel my Spirit flight and get a refund?

Many times passengers are not entirely sure about the plans they make, and due to this, they want to cancel the flight after making the confirmed reservations. After canceling the flight, the main thing that passengers think about is whether they will get a refund or what amount they will get a refund. Many passengers traveling with spirit airlines have the queries like how do I cancel my spirit flight and get a refund? They can solve this query by reading the below-mentioned steps.

The steps that passengers need to follow are mentioned below

  • Visit the official website of spirit airlines and your search engine. 
  • After this, you need to open the section of manage bookings. 
  • Next, you need to fill out the last name of the passenger and bookings reference number. 
  • Further, your bookings will be open. You need to choose the flight which you want to cancel.
  • Following this, you need to fill out the reason for canceling the flight and click to cancel it. 
  • Next, you need to search for the refund application form, fill in the details, and send it. 
  • The passenger will receive a confirmation message of canceling the flight on the given contact number and registered email ID. They will get the refund within 20 working days.

Spirit Airlines Cancellation Policy are given below

  • If the passenger cancels the flight within 24 hours of booking, they will not need to pay any cancelation fee. 
  • If a passenger cancels the flight after the free window, they will need to pay the charges as a cancelation fee.
  • In case of any medical emergency happens in the family of the passenger and the time left on the boarding date is less than 30 days, they will not need to pay the cancelation fee for canceling the flight. 
  • Spirit airlines also provide the time to cancel the flight on the boarding date as; well, after that time, the passenger will not be able to make a change in the bookings or cancel the flight.

Spirit Airlines Refund Policy are given below

  • If the passenger applies for the refund within 24 hours of booking the flight, they will get a complete refund without deduction.
  • If a passenger cancels the flight after the 24 of booking, Spirit Airlines' official will deduct some and the cancelation fee. After deducting the cancelation fee passenger will get a refund
  • In case of any death happens in the family and the time left onboarding date is less than 30 days, then the passenger will get a complete refund on the cancelation. Still, they need to show the medical certificate to Spirit Airlines' officials.
  • If you booked the flight using miles or vouchers, you would not get any amount in the refund, but you can redeem that voucher next time while traveling. 
  • If any official Spirit Airlines official representative books the flight, the passenger needs to contact them to get a refund. 

How do I get in touch with Spirit Airlines?  

You need to follow the steps to get in touch with Spirit Airlines representative mentioned below. 

  • First, search the official website of Spirit airlines in your search engine. 
  • Next, you need to open the contact us section on that page. 
  • After this, you need to fill out the passenger's details, like the name of the passenger's contact number and registered email id. 
  • Following this, you need to fill out the flight details, like the date and timings of the flight. 
  • You need to open the chatbox and fill out the information or query you want to ask and send it. 
  • Last, the representative related to that query will see it and send you the solutions within a few moments. 

In the earlier mentioned steps, you will get the information about how do I cancel my Spirit flight and get a refund? Still, if you find any problem, you can also contact the official representative of spirit airlines; they will help you and provide you with the best suitable solutions.