Can I get a full refund if I cancel my Breeze flight?

The traveling plans of the passengers may change with time, which forces them to cancel their flight. If you have booked your flight with Breeze and canceled it later for some reason. You might want to know, can I get a full refund if I cancel my Breeze flight? Then yes, but you must cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking, and the ticket must not be modified before. The flight must be scheduled for at least seven days from the time you canceled the ticket.

What is the cancellation policy of Breeze Airways?

The passengers who want to cancel their booked flight are advised to go through the Breeze cancelation policy. Breeze says you are eligible for a refund if you cancel the ticket and meet all the terms and conditions. To know the Breeze Airways Cancellation Policy, read the points below:

  • The passengers can cancel their tickets up to 15 minutes before the flight is scheduled for departure, and the airline will initiate the Breeze Points to the passenger’s Breeze account, which can be further used to book tickets with Breeze. 
  • If the passengers have involved agent in the booking process, they will have to contact the agent for any query related to the flight ticket cancellation.
  • If the flight was canceled for a reason where Breeze is directly responsible for the cancelation of the flight. In such a case, the airline will not charge any cancellation fee from the passengers and arrange the next flight for the same destination at no extra cost.
  • The passengers who canceled their flight with Breeze will get the Breeze points in the booking guest account, which will expire in 24 months from the date of points issued.   

What is the refund policy at Breeze Airways?

The passengers who have canceled their tickets must be looking to get their money back, as they might not be willing to pay for an unused ticket. They are advised to better inform themselves of the airline's guidelines for the refund before they apply for the refund. To learn about Breeze Airways Refund Policy, read the points here.

  • The passengers are advised to cancel their ticket within 24 hours of their booking to be entitled to a refund in monetary terms. If you miss this time frame, you can still cancel your flight up to 15 minutes before the take-off to be entitled to Breeze points later to be used for the booking. 
  • Breeze sells non-refundable tickets, but they give credit points on canceling the ticket for at least 15 minutes before the flight departure. If they miss this period, passengers will have to bear the loss. 
  • The airline will initiate the refund amount to your source payment, and it can take up to 7 to 10 working days to reflect in your account.
  • If a passenger has canceled the ticket for a medical reason, Breeze will refund the complete amount to such passengers after receiving medical reports.

How will I get a refund after canceling my ticket?

The passengers must apply for a refund once they cancel their ticket. The airline will look into it, proceed with the formalities and then initiate the refund to source payment. To cancel and apply for a refund at Breeze Airways, follow the steps below:

  • Visit the official page of Breeze Airways.
  • Search for “Manage my Booking” on the page and enter the PNR number and passenger’s last name to get the booking details. 
  • Now, move to the menu and select the flight cancellation option.
  • You will get a form. Complete the form, describe the reason for canceling the flight, and click to cancel your flight.
  • You will now get a link to apply for the refund.
  • Tap on the link, complete the form, and attach the documents if you had to cancel for a medical reason and submit.
  • The airline will revert the refund amount to source payment.