American Airlines Santa Ana

18601 Airport Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Every day - 24hrs


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American Airlines Santa Ana Office

You booked an American flight to reach Santa Ana or have to board the flight to reach your desired destination. Now, you have trouble selecting a seat on American Airlines Santa Ana for your comfortable journey. Passengers can get help from customer agents to resolve their issues and book the best seats as per their requirements. How can I reach customer support? 

What is the American Airlines Santa Ana phone number? 

Flyers can dial the contact number (800) 433-7300, accessible throughout the day. Flight issues related, such as reservation queries which include baggage and check-in concerns, can be resolved easily. After dialing the number, you need to choose the language and automated IVR instructions.

Santa Ana Airport contact number:  (949) 252-5200

For inquiries related to parking issues and services that can be accessed at the airport, you can dial the helpline number shared to get the guide. 


American Airlines Address: John Wayne / Orange County Airport, 18601 Airport Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707

Ticket counter: Main Terminal

Passengers can go to the ticket counter if they have any issues with the flight booking and check in to connect with a live representative at the airport. The working hours are from 4:45 a.m. – 6:45 p.m. from Monday to Saturday. 

Baggage claim: (800) 433-7300

The number is valid when you lose the bag or an object onboard. From Baggage Claim, exit the terminal and turn left toward A-1 parking. If you misplace at the airport, you need to consult with a live airport representative instead of the airline. 

Terminal: American Airlines operates from A and B terminals. 

TSA security checkpoints, you need to visit the terminal mentioned on your ticket. It is suggested to reach the airport earliest to avoid long waiting hours. For queries, dial the American Airlines Santa Ana number

American Airlines Santa Ana Airport services

Here is the list of American Airlines Santa Ana Airport services provided for the comfort of the passengers: 

  • Clubs and lounges: now, you can wait for the connected flight as the airline provides various lounges and clubs to make the journey smooth and pleasurable. 
  • TSA Precheck services: you can save time by avoiding the long waiting queues at the security screening to board the flight. 
  • Mobile boarding pass: American Airlines allows passengers onboard with a mobile pass. 
  • Curbside check-in and self-service check-in 
  • Parking and special assistance

In case you have any queries, dial the American Airlines Santa Ana number for immediate support. Visit the website for the latest updates.